Coronavirus has arrived and the Ragnar SoCal Race has been canceled. The story below was posted in preparation of the race. We will look toward 2021 to hit the road.
One month to Ragnar SoCal Road Race with Beyond Type 1! Yes, I am in, yet, another endurance challenge. For this trail runner, this creates a new challenge. I have not run a road race in 30+ years. I am clueless as to what to put down for my estimated 10k pace. Glacier pace for someone who has been involved in the slog pacing of Ultramarathons.
Looking forward to joining other athletes with type 1 diabetes in an event. My last t1 adventure was a 24-hour mountain bike race. I have shared that I enjoy taking on new sports/new challenges. Those seem to be the experiences that I grow from. A previous t1 team adventure was the Canadian Death Race. That name alone is worth the price of the race to spread across your t-shirt. I was coming off of knee surgery so put my name to help the team leaning toward an easier stage. I think the minimum stage distance in the death race is eleven miles. Oh, yea, it is in the twisted, elevation mess that is the Canadian Rockies, so most stages are difficult with ugly elevation profiles. With no takers for the hardest and longest leg, I was pegged in the longest/hardest stage. That makes for the best stories.
Photo from Ragnar SoCal page
The Mt. Hamel stage was 23.5 miles with over 6,000 ft of elevation gain. Yes, stories abound.
My Ragnar Relay stages will provide me with 24+ miles, but thankfully, elevation gain is nowhere near 6,000 feet, but, alas it is the hardest leg. I will run leg #9, which includes three sections.
Photo from Ragnar SoCal page
I will share more as the event nears and plan on creating a video of my experience. Should be epic.
Photo from Ragnar SoCal pagewa